We got the Baptist Hospital at 6am like they told us to, they did all the paperwork, etc., and finally took her back around 10. I was not very impressed with the hospital, it was not great and it was not bad. And it was not Texas Children's Hospital, by far. Then, the Doctor came into the room to tell us how the procedure went. SOLD!! He was great, he showed us pictures, drew a diagram, gave us his recommendations for treatment, etc. Then, when he was done telling us about that, he looked at me and said, "...Look, anytime, and I mean anytime, you need to have any procedure done on Emily, even dental work, you be sure they do a round of antibiotics right before and immediately after and that is very important to protect her little heart. No matter what, you be sure and you tell them about that and make sure they do it. You don't want to risk infection on her little heart..." He was very firm about this, stressing it at least 3 times. I knew he meant it, the way he was using facial expressions and hand gestures it was obvious that it's important to him that her little heart is always protected. And this was only the second time he saw her. Then, he closed with this... "...I want to see her again in a month, start her new medicine and keep her on a bland diet, and I PRAY..." he paused, looked up and clapped his hands together under his chin "... I pray to GOD that this works." And I believe him.
He had me at 'little heart' but he really really won me over at the end there. How amazing that he puts so much faith in God as well. No team of doctors ever said anything like that before! I know she is healed already Lord, thank You for sending us to your servant, Dr. Alaswad.

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